How-To do it all!

This year, the Louisville Free Public Library invited us to be one of their how-to presenters!! It was an amazing and wide-ranging program, and the LFPL library staff ran the whole circus so well!


Because Seth a ridiculously optimistic when it comes to weather conditions, we biked the trailer over in the early AM. (Seth was right btw about the rain…but not so much about the wind lol! check out the battle down breckenridge below).

FCCB got a sweet spot right next to the milking cow for the first few cold hours, and then relocated to a teaching tent on the 3rd St lawn where we were followed by a guy teaching drone flying techniques. Seth & Bella met lots of people – mostly new faces – and Seth fixed and demonstrated nearly non-stop! The crowd was really fun and into learning new things, what a nice vibe!


Can’t speak for Betsy, but FCCB had a great time. See you there next year!